For LPG and Heating Oil
Why set up such a ‘Pricewatch’ scheme?
Big price increases on these fuels are placing pressure on household budgets
Springhill has many households using LPG and heating oil, both available from multiple suppliers
A Pricewatch scheme enables residents to collect and share information on the best prices available
If successful, such a scheme could lead to the formation of a buying group scheme
How will this work?
Residents are asked to share info on their current suppliers’ prices of LPG and heating oil
This info is gathered online via the Springhill Residents Group website, springhillresidents.com
Suppliers’ prices will then be published on the website*
This process to repeat as frequently as deemed relevant or possible by the residents committee
What are the next steps?
If you would like to update us with your current supplier and prices then please complete the form here.
Providing enough replies are received, Price watch info will appear on springhillresidents.com
Then it’s up to you! Based on the info provided you can follow up with the relevant supplier
(* NOTE: all information received will be treated with utmost confidence by representatives of the Springhill Residents Group Committee and will not be shared beyond the purposes of this initiative; no personal information (e.g. residents’ names or addresses) will be published